The Amazing Race is an American reality game show in which typically eleven teams of two race around the world. The race is split into roughly twelve legs interspersed with physical and mental challenges, and require teams to deduce clues, navigate themselves in foreign areas, interact with locals, perform physical and mental challenges, and vie for airplane, boat, taxi, and other public transportation options on a limited budget provided by the show. Teams are progressively eliminated at the end of each leg; the first of the last three remaining teams to cross the final leg's finish line win US$1 million. As the original version of the Amazing Race franchise, the CBS program has been running since 2001, and has completed broadcasting its 22nd season, with the show renewed for its 23rd. Numerous international versions have been developed following the same core structure, while the U.S. version is also broadcast to several other markets.The show was created by Elise Doganieri and Bertram van Munster, who, along with Jonathan Littman, serve as executive producers. The show is produced by Earthview Inc., Bruckheimer Television for CBS Television Studios and ABC Studios. The series has been hosted by veteran New Zealand television personality Phil Keoghan since its inception.
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