Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu is an action comedy family
animated TV series that centers on the adventures of four ninjas. The
series is based on the Lego toy series of the same name. Two pilot
episodes were shown on Cartoon Network on January 14, 2011, sometimes
split into four episodes. A video-game called Lego Battles: Ninjago was
based on the show. Due to the popularity of the pilot episodes, the
first season was launched from December 2011 – April 2012 alongside a
new line of sets marketed as "Rise of the Snakes". In the later half of
2012, a second season began transmission, with a month-long gap between
episodes six and seven. The pilot episodes were released on DVD in March
2011, and the first season became available on DVD in Region 1 on June
26, 2012. The series as a whole has an estimated budget of 37,000,000
Season Overview
Long before time had a
name, Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master by using the
Four Elemental Weapons of Spinjitzu; weapons so powerful, no one can
handle all of their power at once. When he passed away, his two sons
swore to protect them, but the oldest, Lord Garmadon, was consumed by
darkness and wanted to possess them all. A battle between brothers broke
out and Lord Garmadon was struck down and banished to the Underworld.
Peace returned to Ninjago as the younger brother, Sensei Wu, hid the
elemental weapons in the far corners of Ninjago. Centuries later, Lord
Garmadon has returned with the help of his Skeleton army to collect the
Golden Weapons. Sensei Wu turns to the aid of four young Ninja who are
to be trained to become the protectors of each of the weapons. Although
the Ninja successfully survive a harrowing quest to retrieve the
elemental weapons, they fall into Lord Garmadon's master plan, releasing
the dark Lord from his prison, and allowing him to escape through a
vortex, with hope that he would one day return with the ability to
possess all four weapons. Peace has returned to Ninjago, while the four
ninja swear to protect and learn to master their Golden Weapons...
Awaiting Lord Garmadon's return.
Episode Overview
On the island, Lloyd learns that his father used to train under the
deceitful Master Chen and when the Ninja meet the playfully deceitful
ruler, they realize they are in a tournament where "only one can
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