Bob's Burgers is an American animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Belchers – parents Bob and Linda, and their children Tina, Gene, and Louise – who run a hamburger restaurant. The family was conceived by Bouchard after developing Home Movies for UPN Kids.Since its debut on January 9, 2011, the series has broadcast 45 episodes. While reviews for the first season were mixed, subsequent reviews have been positive. The series premiere, "Human Flesh", drew in 9.38 million viewers, making it the highest-rated series premiere of the season and also finished 9th in the ratings for the week it aired. The first season received an average of approximately 5 million viewers, and it ranked 59th in ratings share, tied with 60 Minutes, The Middle, and Outsourced.
On October 16, 2012, Fox renewed Bob's Burgers for a fourth season consisting of 22 episodes. The series started airing in reruns in syndication on Cartoon Network's late night programming block Adult Swim on June 23, 2013. On September 26, 2013, Fox renewed the series for a fifth season ordering 22 additional episodes.
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